Wednesday, October 1, 2014

4:37 AM, Before the Dream Fog Evaporates.

First, at a historical campsite (imagine the Grand Canyon, but there were lots of escalators and a shopping mall underground where this young girl asked me for advice on lipgloss. She bought 3, at $12.99 apiece, which I thought was crazy) the security guard was totally unhelpful and it got pitch black so no one could get anywhere or find each other. Ariana walked for an hour and somehow ended up exactly back where she was at the top of the escalators. Becca did the same and was getting a little frantic.
Later, we were all at some party and I broke Jordan’s ice/water dispenser thing built into her freezer. The next day I was going to sleep over at Jordan’s and it was super awkward because her Mom called her (while I was with her) and was like, “Carrie BROKE our ice machine last night.” To make it worse, I was supposed to sleep over at Jordan’s that night, and I didn’t want it to be weird, so I was like, “It’s totally cool, I think I faintly remember breaking it, I will totally pay for it. It can’t be that bad right?”
“It’s like $100.”
“Oh…OK, well I’ll give her like $50 and get the rest to her…next week.”
“It’s fine she’ll probably take $30 and give you $20 back.”
At our sleepover, I was really excited for breakfast the next day because Jordan had a shop in her house that was FULL of all these different giant bagels, but they looked more like oatmeal cookies, which was really exciting. In the window of the shop, leaning against a giant bagel, a book was on display with the title “MANCHEGO.” On the front cover was a picture of chocolate mousse, presumably made with Manchego. I really wanted to read it because-judging from the cover-it would be full of unique, flavorful ways to use one of my favorite cheeses. I told Jordan I couldn’t WAIT for breakfast, and she glanced at the shop and sort of brushed it off nonchalantly, saying she was always too lazy to eat bagels anyway. 
Then we watch a movie. Batman:Eloquence, I think it was called—the second in the trilogy. Jared Leto was in it. Batman was in the movie, obviously, but so were tons of other heroes. In the scene we were watching, they were all smashed between these two metal walls that had moved in on them to crush them, but this one hero had super strength and super stretch as his powers so he just kinda spread-eagled himself (one hand and one foot on each wall) and pushed outward, so then they just flew the Batmobile out to safety.
School was really dramatic, too. It was high school, but in my elementary school. An ex-boyfriend from college came to visit me and I was freaking out that he was going to break up with me, even though we weren't together (in my dream, I recognized this irrational fear, and that was part of the emotional torment). In the end, I passed by him in the hallway—I saw him giving his earbuds to another ex-girlfriend of his to show her a song on his iPod and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back—and ignored him completely. I came upon a little corner of the front lobby at school, where Cassie was crying profusely while Henry shushed her and patted her back. I was unfazed since Cassie always cries, but then someone was like, “You should go comfort her, she’s sad because Henry is leaving but I think she wants you.” So I did and it was ok. 
Then I was with Kelly, playing video games: Batman. I was playing and she was sitting sort of off on the side, jokingly ribbing me about leaving for France, telling me things that people who are willing to up and leave the country do, just in general. She was saying I should write a novel in three parts, because that was totally something someone who was leaving the country would do. Unrelated, Kelly also said falling in love the day before leaving was also totally something the aforementioned “someone” would do. I just kept playing the game, but I knew I’d played it a million times before so it was losing its intrigue. Basically, I was attached to this bungee cord/zipline and just jerked around between all these industrial buildings, construction sites, and parking structures (Gotham City?) and the only tough parts were a) keeping your head tucked so as not to hit it against a cement pillar or a crane or something, and b) at the end they bounce you to the side of a parking ramp and you can push off to accelerate a bit but you really have to get to the side because a car with a bad guy comes speeding down the ramp at that precise moment to get you (aka Batman) and that’s the only way you can narrowly avoid him. I was wondering if maybe I was too heavy for my zip line, because during the last part, my bum once hit the parking garage floor, and that’s for sure not supposed to happen.  
Anyway, the game was getting really boring and predictable, so I kinda got lazy with it. At one point during the last bit, I barely even pushed off the parking garage floor, so my bungee didn’t pull be back, and I was kinda just left here as a little green car printed with “ASSASSIN” across the front peeled sharply around the corner, nearly hitting me (I gave the car a little kick but it didn't do anything to deter him). The driver was super excited to finally have the chance to fulfill his role and kill Batman, since he had been in the game a while and knew his evil role was pretty much superficial, so he got out of the car and ran at me to beat me to death. I hit him on the head with a frying pan, but it was lightweight and he was taller than me so it didn’t do much.
Suddenly, I realized he was super cute. Plus, I really liked that he used a phrase with lots of alliteration that included the words “ sniveling scumbag,” because no young guys these days would speak like that. I stopped what I was doing, and so did he, and we started smiling at each other. Then we walked out of the parking structure together holding hands, and went on a date. 
I late got a message from Kelly that said, “Going on a date the day before you leave the country and falling in love is 323-363% something that someone who was leaving would do. You should write a novel in three parts about your budding relationship and the difficulties of long-distance! It would be so good.”


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